Alas, dear thing better than cheap. Janina Ipohorskaya
Cost of services
This is probably one of the first questions we ask clients. But!While we do not know what you need, no matter whether it is developing a multimedia presentation or design firm envelope - we can not definitively assess the value of work. Let's take a simple example: You come into the studio and asked: <What is the cost to sew clothes?>. The first thing you hear in response to another question - what kind of clothing, and from what material? This is logical, because the principles of fixed-price policy is practically not applicable for this type of work.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, we are used to surround our clients with attention and care, as well as highly appreciate the time you spend on our site, and therefore we would like you to orient in the orders of our prices.
Project Type: Official Site.
Includes basic information about the company, its services, price lists for services, contact information and more. These sites usually have a fairly extensive dynamic structure, with a large number of sections and subsections. Are fully functional, designed to publish information about the company, about products, projects. You may also attend a news section, a catalog, price list, documentation, etc.Often, the site has additional services, such as bulletin board, forum, polls, mailing list, and so on.
Time of creation: 2-4 weeks
Development costs: 1500 - 2500 USD
Project Type: e-commerce site
E-Shop, an integrated system of inventory control, internal document, etc. The user selects the Real Presence of the goods in the warehouse, and its order can be immediately implemented. Includes a variety of payment systems in the mode of on-line.
Time of creation - 1-2 months
Cost of development: 2000 - 5000 USD
CREATING Dating Site
Publication date: 14-90 days
Cost: 2500 - 3500 USD
Basic modules: communication, paid chat, video chat, flexible management system, multi-lingual, pay via PayPal, LiqPay, 2checkout.
Advertising and promotion of sites on the Web Site without visitors - is the money wasted. It was the visitors forced the site to work for you and generate income. We will help you plan and carry out an effective advertising campaign for your website.
Price: 200 USD
Note: Please do not confuse <ad campaign> with a simple search engine submission, which we provide free of charge for each project.
FLASH ANIMATION Flash-intro, main page, websites, presentations and interactive catalogs, commercial, and commercials for TV, WEB and others.
Price: 350 - 800 USD